Storytelling and quality content in tourism marketing builds a long term brands
The fundamental of tourism marketing is to create unique content, experiences and build trust for your visitors and customers.
Building trust through communication uniquely positions your message to better achieve its desired outcome. The challenge for most organisations is how to create the experience and communication on all levels and determining where to fix the problems and finding a direction and plan.
With many years in developing and executing tourism marketing strategies, Brand Action offer tourism marketing services and production for three distinct customers.
- Tourism and tourism related businesses
- Councils and Shires
- Regional Tourism Organisations
Each organisation has different needs and expectations of their tourism marketing direction.
So where to from here?
Start by asking yourself, “what’s unique about my business, location or region?”.
Tourism marketing world-wide is undergoing significant change. Competition for visitors is intensifying between businesses, towns, states and countries. Each entity is aiming to grow and return greater economic benefits, so you’ll need to give your visitor a great reason to visit.
Build your business model around marketing, not marketing around your business
The old methods of tourism marketing are beginning to erode while the new world of marketing takes control. It’s now about crafting a story and creating a unique experience unlike anyone else. Utilising the technology of the internet means everyone has the same opportunities to promote themselves therefore bypassing traditional tourism bodies and methods. Your market and opportunity is world-wide. The question is, “how do you create the right message that conveys the experience and builds trust?”
Visitors are very savvy and have higher levels of expectation from all products and services. No longer can any organisation take for granted its approach with a “that’s good enough” attitude. It won’t work. High standards are expected by visitors as they have been conditioned by other organisations such as multi-national firms across all industry sectors. Car manufacturers, electronics, banks, sports, etc, have all shifted expectations through quality marketing. Quality marketing nowadays creates a perception of professionalism. Not addressing this in tourism may see visitor dollars bypassing your business, town or region and damage your brand.
Many elements go into developing a successful tourism marketing strategy. The opportunity is perfect for you to promote your business, town and region using our successful methods, solid strategies and extensive experience which makes all the difference in today’s competitive tourism marketplace.
Shane Strudwick has many years of experience in developing highly successful tourism marketing strategies. Some of these include combining the complex elements of new-world marketing with traditional marketing approaches, your unique business, town or regional benefits connected with the wants, desires and needs of the visitor. All this is engineered with a brilliant message and use of design, photography and copywriting that ultimately connects visitors emotions and their desire for unique experiences in life.
We have received several awards for design and tourism marketing including our Discover Murray River Campaign which spans 3 states of Australia. We also work very closely with the community and businesses (both city and regional), with tourism marketing consulting and business development by presenting our range of Better Brand : Better Business Seminars, Project Planning and Tourism Marketing Workshops. We have also competitively helped position many businesses as market leaders. If you’re interested in understanding our range of services please contact us anytime or please read some testimonials to see the difference we’ve made.
Please feel free to view our range of marketing strategies we’ve developed for our clients. These use both the internet and offline marketing. They are all customised, successful solutions to tourism marketing unlike anything else in the marketplace.
Grasp the fundamentals and industry skills of Digital Marketing with our accredited training
Shane’s commitment to tourism and training is reflected in his 25 years experience working with all business and government sectors in visual communications, brand development, marketing and design. He was the first in Australia to deliver formal ATDW e-kit training and successfully fused the e-kit resources with the objectives and needs of each participant to ensure they gain maximum value from their learning and objectives. His extensive digital marketing and web development experience also helps breakdown complex e-Marketing strategies.
- Search Engine Optimisations (SEO)
- Google Analytics
- Mobile and adaptive design
- Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, TripAdvisor, Google+, Twitter and more
- Email Marketing
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
- Video and Photography
- Branding, keywords and tagging
- Marketing plans, strategies and more…
Connect with Shane on LinkedIn • Contact Shane for a tourism marketing consultation